                        chinensis (Chinese Juniper)
                        chinensis (Chinese Juniper)
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John Oldland and award
                  winning Bonsai
Western Australian Society Secretary John Oldland presented his superb Bonsai forest which was winner of the 20th Annual Perth Royal Show "Best Bonsai Exhibit".

Sue Oakley and Bonsai
Derek and Sue Oakley presented many of their fabulous private collection specimens also.

Derek Oakley assisting Mr Kuo
                  with an Australian Native Bonsai
Derek Oakley assisting Mr Kuo with an Australian Native Bonsai in the making...

A rather large Bonsai stock
                  tree - the beginning
Another before and after shot - a Bonsai masterpiece under construction..

Now well on the way to a
And a spectacular result!

Australian Associated Bonsai Clubs
14th Annual Seminar - Perth 2001

(The "Bonsai Palace Pictorial" courtesy of Liana Kopp...!):


HINT: Click on a thumbnail picture for a larger view.

Fremantle Esplanade Hotel -
                Venue for the 14th AABC Seminar 2001The Venue
The fourteenth annual AABC Seminar was hosted by the Bonsai Society of Western Australia from Friday 18th to Sunday 20th of May, 2001 at the historic Fremantle Esplanade Hotel. The event also marked the 25th anniversary of our Society and was honoured to feature Mr. Sze Ern (Ernie) Kuo from the U.S.A. as special guest presenter and demonstrator. This highly successful weekend commenced with a congenial Cocktail Party by the pool on Friday evening. 

The Display
A Superb Bonsai DisplayBougainvillea BonsaiThe Following morning, a beautiful Autumn Saturday saw an extensive public display of more than a hundred exceptional Bonsai presented by members of the Bonsai Society of WA decorating the huge West Hall of the Esplanade Hotel.  Styles ranged widely, from flowering Bougainvilleas to old, sturdy Port Jackson Figs.  The display was very well supported by visitors and the general public alike, confirming the high standard of Bonsai and their excellent preparation.

Port Jackson FigJuniper DisplayOlive Bonsai

The Seminar
The Seminar was very popular, with a total of 92 attendees including international visitors from Brazil, New Zealand and "locals" from all corners of Australia enjoying the information packed sessions. 

Guest speakers included:
Jan Burrows (New Zealand)
Shayne Boyce (Western Australia)
Arthur Robinson (Western Australia)
Nigel Atkinson (Western Australia)
Mr Sze Ern (Ernie) Kuo (USA)

Our special guest, Mr Kuo spoke on the American aspects of Bonsai on Saturday, followed by a full demonstration to attendees during Sunday's proceedings.

The Workshop
Monday morning brought the opportunity for our very own Liana to participate in a workshop hosted by Mr Kuo, and with the assistance of his skills and experience, she was able to create a beautiful Juniper Bonsai.  Here are the before and after shots, and Liana with Mr Kuo...

The original Juniper stockLiana with completed JuniperMr Sze Ern (Ernie) Kuo and

Workshop Observers, Mrs
                  Dorothy Koreshoff and guess who..(again!)Here are some of the many dedicated Monday Bonsai Workshop observers with Mrs Dorothy Koreshoff from Sydney and guess who (again!).

The Event
The fourteenth AABC Seminar/Workshop and 25th Bonsai Society of Western Australia Anniversary, held right here in our home town of Fremantle was an exciting, fun and educational success!  We pass on our thanks to all the hard working Bonsai Society of WA folks who did so much to ensure a successful weekend and in particular we would also like to recognise and sincerely thank Mr Kuo and all presenters for their dedication, presentations and in-depth knowledge which they passed on so freely.....

Again, thank you all - we look forward to the next one!

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